Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fucked. -.-

So... Everyone is asking me how are you how's life; answer --> FUCKED!
Life is like hell now. HELL!!
I hate people touching my stuffs. Cant they get that in mind? 
If you wanna clean the room just tell me and I'll help you clean it up. 
I can't stand losing my stuffs every day or two. WTF!!!
First my grandpa threw away my friggin expensive cleansers, 
Second my aunt took my toothpaste to her vacation without asking,
NOW! My makeup remover is gone! FUCK! 
I'm not gonna ask anymore, i'm just gonna assume the house ate up all my stuffs. IDGAF anymore!
Furthermore it's not their money so they won't care. :] 
And my grandpa literally commanded me not to stay on the computer so much. 
Then what am I gonna do?
The chinese channel on tv is always on [and i dislike watching chinese shows]
When I'm reading everyone tends to talk to me &disturb me. AND I HATE PEOPLE DISTURBING ME WHEN IM READING!
I can barely step out of the house for more than 3hours. [WHAT'S THE POINT OF GOING OUT IF YOU HAVE TO RUSH HOME?!]
Ahh.. One more thing. :] Told me don't sit in front of the computer & treat this house like home.
But no, to me it's not home it's just a house.
I don't even have a closet, 
I don't even have a bed, 
I don't even have privacy, 
I have people checking on me every 20minutes.

This is not call home, I rather call it a hostel, or being placed under a house arrest or whatever!
And today my grandpa slammed the door at my arm. Painful D:
My shoulder, elbow &wrist is hurt. :( sigh. Bad luck.

So this is life huh. :DD 

Stay calm & Stay strong 

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