Tuesday, May 3, 2011

❥ Price tags.

I woke up 11am in the morning with just 5 hours of sleep.
Totally exhausted and I felt like having rocks on my eyelids. Fml
My sweetheart AiLing came to my house for a quick bath and some rest.
&& we headed to Queens at 3pm.
She had to work so I had to shop alone..
But...! It was cool. I bought a pair of Converse All Star shoes, I ♥ MY BF tank top, Create Peace sweater, Facial mask && some inner beauties. xD


After some hardcore shopping I had my dinner at Sushi King. Omo~ So delicious~
Then thennnnnnnnnnn, wait for someone come fetch me wait till two hours-.- 
Planned to get home early manatau late juga. Yishh~
So, let it be larh. Went to McD @ Sunrise sit sit makan makan then balik kampung. :)

Enjoyed so much, except the part where I saw some girl calling me a bitch in my Facebook inbox. Blahs.
Anyway, the problem was settled. So no worries. :3

- If there's no trust there'll be no love.  

That's all for today, ttyl. :3

❥ Panda Lover.

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