Sunday, April 17, 2011

❥ Knitting Crisis!

I'm so addicted to knitting now..
It's like I can knit anywhere anytime &&i don't know how to stop .__.
I knit while I'm on Facebook, while I'm eating, while I'm watching tv etc..
I can even knit in the car or bus, even at the bus stop. @@
I was thinking about knitting a few things during Summer.
The list of things are:
baby booty[for my teddy bear],
and was also thinking to learn how to do a crochet handbag. :D

But I was wondering could I finish all of that before my 1st sem in school @@
It's utterly stupid for a girl to knit everywhere she goes,
but I think it happens a lot over there in London? Hmm.. I have no idea =x

This Is what I've been doing lately. It's almost finish. :D
[Ignore the bad quality photo, the colour is actually beige and pink.]


I admit that I was getting bored of everything there so took some pictures.
Here's one of it. xD

That's all for today I think~ Ttfn humans. (:

❥ Panda lover.

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